Windows 7 Updated v5

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Windows 7 Updated v5

Unread post by K4sum1 »

Main Info

Non mirrors:

Windows 7 Updated v5 RC1 2020 Debloat.iso Mediafire Mirror
Windows 7 Updated v5 RC1 2020 Debloat.iso Buzzheavier Mirror
Windows 7 Updated v5 RC1 2020 Standard.iso Mediafire Mirror
Windows 7 Updated v5 RC1 2020 Standard.iso Buzzheavier Mirror
Windows 7 Updated v5 RC1 2016 Debloat.iso Mediafire Mirror
Windows 7 Updated v5 RC1 2016 Debloat.iso Buzzheavier Mirror
Windows 7 Updated v5 RC1 2016 Standard.iso Mediafire Mirror
Windows 7 Updated v5 RC1 2016 Standard.iso Buzzheavier Mirror
Windows 7 Updated v5 RC1 Minimum Debloat.iso Mediafire Mirror
Windows 7 Updated v5 RC1 Minimum Debloat.iso Buzzheavier Mirror
Windows 7 Updated v5 RC1 Minimum Standard.iso Mediafire Mirror
Windows 7 Updated v5 RC1 Minimum Standard.iso Buzzheavier Mirror

Recommended version: Windows 7 Updated v5 RC1 2020 Debloat.iso Professional

If you need Hyper-V, Home Group, Parental Controls, Search, or System Restore, you can opt for the Standard version instead. WMP, WMC, Gadgets, etc are also disabled in Debloat, however those can be re-enabled if needed.

This is Windows 7 Home Basic, Home Premium, Professional, Ultimate, and Enterprise updated to multiple points, and some debloated ISOs too. These are the minimum to be usable (Platform update, SHA2, etc), 2016-09, and 2020-01. These ISOs also come with modded ACPI, NVMe, USB, and various network drivers. The network drivers are not integrated but instead located in a folder on the desktop due to not being critical to boot. These ISOs also have .NET 4.8, 6, 7, IE11, DX, VC++, and more. On the desktop is a folder with useful applications, tweaks, and more to make Windows 7 the best it can be!

v5 is a complete redo from v4. ISOs are back to being split due to the installer sometimes failing with everything combined. The new debloat ISOs are not too extreme, mostly just stuff you can disable anyways like gadgets, IE11, WMP, etc. Some other changes are new default login and desktop wallpapers. Thanks to jpegli the login background is a full 4k and high quality under 256KB without any authui.dll mods needed. Some security risk services are disabled by default too.


Q: Why not include ESU updates?

A: ESU updates, even Security Only, include telemetry. When Microsoft stops updating the 6.1 codebase, I might make a minimal 2026 or whatever ISO with the telemetry stripped out. If I'm alive by then.

Q: Why does the setup have the Windows 8 bootscreen?

A: The installer is from Windows Server 2012 R2, it was used because using an install.esd makes the ISO significantly smaller. It also makes integrating NVMe and USB 3.0 drivers easier.

Q: What is the minimal update point or what are the minimal updates?

A: Any updates that may be in the ISO that aren't listed below are dependencies of something like .NET, VC++, DirectX, and such. I did also include KB2533552 which isn't exactly required, but it is a pain to integrate so I did it first without really thinking about the order of operations. I also don't feel like remaking the minimal ISO.
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Q: How do I get Windows Update working?

A: Check (Desktop)\Guides, tweaks, and useful applications\Updating Windows\How to enable Windows Update.txt
I highly recommend checking the below question if you wish to install updates.

Q: I just checked Windows update, and it's missing plenty of updates, why?

A: That's because those updates include telemetry, all the updates that begin with a date on Windows update are guaranteed to have telemetry, excluding IE updates. The rest of the KB updates that aren't in the ISO are likely telemetry as well. You can see a full list under (Desktop)\Guides, tweaks, and useful applications\Updating Windows\Updates to hide.txt, with explanations and updates for more than just 7 under Updates to note.txt in the same folder.

Q: Is the 2016-09 ISO only updated to 2016-09?

A: Yes, and no, it includes .NET 4.8, 6, 7, VC++, .NET and IE updates to 2020-01, etc, but Windows itself has no updates after 2016-09 except for the SHA-2 update, and the SHA-2 servicing stack update.

Q: I want to update to 2017-08 or 2017-12.

A: Not a question, but sure. If you want Windows 7 updated to 2017-08, just grab the 2016-09 ISO, and get the post-2016 update pack.

Legal. (Please don't sue.)

This ISO is provided without a license key or any activation, meaning it is not an illegal source of Windows. The users must have their own license key to activate Windows.
The updates and integrated .NET, IE11, Visual C++, and more belong to Microsoft and the developers there that created them.
Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
Please don't sue me.
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Windows 7 Updated v5

Unread post by HJY-2Best »

The other Links posted for these Windows 7 v5 .ISO's are not working for various reasons. However ...please try the following great File Hosting Website that I have used numerous times. THANKS
BUZZHEAVIER - Simple (FREE) fast anonymous file sharing for everyone.

Files uploaded from here won't be saved to your account.

Our main features include:
It's fast. (not really)
No bloatware.
No file size limits.
Keep your file forever. (or until)
No download speed caps.
Doesn't track you - no logs who download who upload.

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Windows 7 Updated v5

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Sorry guys ...I somehow double posted. :o
Last edited by HJY-2Best on 21 Oct 2024, 02:13, edited 1 time in total.

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Windows 7 Updated v5

Unread post by K4sum1 »

Yes, I know. I'm in the process of uploading them there, it's just taking a while.
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Windows 7 Updated v5

Unread post by K4sum1 »

I uploaded them and added them to the post.
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Windows 7 Updated v5

Unread post by HJY-2Best »

"Thanks so much" for the new download V5 links & also for all the hard work you've done in the various other Threads on this absolutely great Website! :)

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Windows 7 Updated v5

Unread post by HJY-2Best »

I didn't see the info in the original "Windows 7 v5" post above can you please clarify the following?

Are the "Windows 7 Updated v5 RC1 Minimum Debloat & Minimum Standard" releases based on the 2016 or 2020 .Iso's? Please also ...describe the definition of "Minimum Debloat & Minimum Standard" for both of these.

Last edited by HJY-2Best on 21 Oct 2024, 05:28, edited 2 times in total.

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Windows 7 Updated v5

Unread post by K4sum1 »

HJY-2Best wrote: 21 Oct 2024, 05:04 I didn't see the info in the original "Windows 7 v5" post above can you please clarify the following?

Are the "Windows 7 Updated v5 RC1 Minimum Debloat & Standard" releases based on the 2016 or 2020 .Iso's? Please also ...describe the definition of "Minimum Debloat & Minimum Standard" for both of these.


K4sum1 wrote: 22 Aug 2024, 06:09 If you need Hyper-V, Home Group, Parental Controls, Search, or System Restore, you can opt for the Standard version instead. WMP, WMC, Gadgets, etc are also disabled in Debloat, however those can be re-enabled if needed.
K4sum1 wrote: 22 Aug 2024, 06:09 This is Windows 7 Home Basic, Home Premium, Professional, Ultimate, and Enterprise updated to multiple points, and some debloated ISOs too. These are the minimum to be usable (Platform update, SHA2, etc), 2016-09, and 2020-01.
K4sum1 wrote: 22 Aug 2024, 06:09 Q: What is the minimal update point or what are the minimal updates?

A: Any updates that may be in the ISO that aren't listed below are dependencies of something like .NET, VC++, DirectX, and such. I did also include KB2533552 which isn't exactly required, but it is a pain to integrate so I did it first without really thinking about the order of operations. I also don't feel like remaking the minimal ISO.
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Windows 7 Updated v5

Unread post by HJY-2Best »

Because of Eclipse members like "K4sum1" & several others here ...there is some absolutely awesome info & downloads within these Walls that alot of other individuals would love to have access to. However ...knowledge is priceless & since this Forum is a little more obscure, it might be helpful if some of us post a "Heads Up" link elsewhere to help promote the growth of this Website. :D

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