Open source recreation of nwclc with bigger number size.

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Open source recreation of nwclc with bigger number size.

Unread post by K4sum1 »

I've decided to split some ideas from the contributing post into their own topic, so I can better explain them in a single contained post. This is the calculator one. I would really appreciate it if a program like this was made. I would say something like "it would improve the usability of older/newer Windows versions alike." but to be honest this is just a themed calculator lol.

nwclc is what I've taken to calling the Windows 7 Beta Milestone 2/3 calculator app. Taken after the name it was given in Milestone 2. It has a very nice and cool looking style. Here's a download link to it. x64 version too if you want it.

There are some problems with it though.

The numbers are way too small.
It's hard to read the numbers, the main thing you use a calculator for. They're way too small.

It's closed source.
So if I wanted to say make the numbers bigger, it is not easy. I do have a modded version with bigger sized numbers, but they go off screen if it's big enough and I think that might be worse.

It does not run on XP/Vista.
You can hack it to run on Vista, but it opens with an error.

I assume there's an open source calculator compatible with XP or earlier that could be used as a basis for this. Given the same functions, theme, etc of this calculator. Made virtually indistinguishable from it. I think this is another case where C# or .NET 2.0/3.5 would be a better option. Giving 95 compatibility with the backport while probably being easier than C(++) for something this basic. Although maybe not since I would like for there to be a UNIX port or version, which I don't think would work if .NET, but idk.
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