More updates and changes done to Eclipse

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More updates and changes done to Eclipse

Unread post by K4sum1 »

I did this all yesterday, but I'm only getting around to making this post today.

I updated extensions and themes. The themes should fix any incompatibilities with later phpBB versions. I also reverted most of my changes to the legacy theme (it's full width now). I have also added the DVGFX2 theme as well.

Also that apparently fixed embeds on Discord, so you get the topic title now.

ABBC3 has been updated, it has more bbcodes which could be useful.

Other than that the changes are mostly boring. I might do some tweaks to the Aero theme, but other than that it's mostly boring backend changes.

Edit: I modified the Aero theme, now the logo changes with the colors too. You might need to clear your browser cache to see this. (Shift + F5 doesn't work)

Also you can do this now
I don't know what I'm doing hit album by Brad Sucks

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