Microsoft Office 2013 installer with updates to 2023 EOS.

Microsoft's Office suite of products, from 97 to 2019, and even 365.
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Microsoft Office 2013 installer with updates to 2023 EOS.

Unread post by K4sum1 »

There are a couple things to note:
  1. There are two updates not integrated, they must be installed separately. They are msohevi-x-none.msp and Visual Studio 2010 Tools for Office Runtime.
  2. Office 2013 requires online activation or KMS activation. If you prefer a fully offline key only activation, I recommend using Office 2007 instead.
Now that that's out of the way, here's the link to the archive. It also includes the x86 archive even though the name says x64.

If you want to burn Office 2013 to a disk, or make an ISO, I recommend you grab a copy of Imgburn, and use that to create an ISO. It's a pretty simple process. I didn't do this so I could better compress the installer, as with the updates it gets quite big.
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