Guidelines for Eclipse Community Projects

Have a project that you want to share, but it's not big enough to warrant an entire category? This is the place.
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Guidelines for Eclipse Community Projects

Unread post by K4sum1 »

I've decided to split this from rules since there are two tiers of Eclipse Community Projects.

To post your software in this category, Community Projects, it needs to follow these guidelines:
  1. It must not be malware, pirated, or illegal. This includes purpose built cracking tools or activators.
  2. It must work on at least Windows 7, if not XP. Anything that isn't a program that runs on Windows is excluded like browser extensions.
If you wish to create software under Eclipse Community as in the GitHub organization, you will have to first gain my trust by either making software here, helping with existing software via pull requests, or having plenty of previous software available to look at. If approved, you will be invited into the organization and have your project(s) listed on the r3dacted projects page on the main site. With approval from me, you may also be able to use the r3d branding too. Depending on your contributions, you may be compensated depending on how much donations are received.

There are two extra guidelines for being in the organization.
  1. All publicly available applications made under the organization must be completely free and open source. Custom made dependencies must also be open source too.
  2. New projects must be made in a proper, legacy Windows supporting language and if needed, framework. This usually coincides with no bloated or unoptimized languages or frameworks. This means no Python, QT, Node, etc. As a general rule of thumb, C(++) is the best option. However as long is it isn't a modern, hippie programming language, it should be good. Rust will be tolerated as long as the code works with rust9x and the binaries are compiled with it.
I hope this promotes more contributions of useful or backported software. The legacy Windows community could really use it.
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