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MX Linux

Unread post by luk3Z »

MX Linux was 10 Years old on March 24. Happy Birthday MX!
March 24, 2024 is the 10th anniversary of the very first MX release., MX-14, a 32 bit only release that fit on a CD.

Way back in 2014, the mepis community awaited the release of MEPIS 12. Which never came to pass. When MEPIS ceased development, it left a strong community with no distribution to support. Jerry3904 and anticapitalista (of antiX fame) came together to drive forward the first MX release, MX-14, in an effort to continue some of the MEPIS legacy. antiX had also been based on MEPIS at the time. antiX developer BitJam’s live system and build-iso system proved critical to the then expansion of the antiX project, of which MX was an “edition”.

The first release would prove to be, well, ugly! But the community was hooked, despite the change from KDE to Xfce.

The rest is history. Combining and expanding on the MEPIS philosophy of graphical tools for system tasks along with the remarkable antiX live system has proved to be a popular combination for users around the world.

So to all the devs who have ever worked on MX, either now or in the past, to those that have come and gone and gone and come, thank you for a great 10 years! To our users, MX Linux is for you.

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MX Linux

Unread post by K4sum1 »

MX Linux might be the next one I'd try.
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MX Linux

Unread post by xperceniol_sal »

K4sum1 wrote: 30 Mar 2024, 13:31 MX Linux might be the next one I'd try.
Yeah, I'm also gonna try:

The trouble, is, only Mint and Zorin and Emmabuntus pick up my old HP Deskjet 1000 printer.

Please keep us posted regarding your experience with it. I'll fire it up sometime this week.

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MX Linux

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I have no idea when I will get around to trying it on hardware, but it's something I want to try.
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MX Linux

Unread post by xperceniol_sal »

K4sum1 wrote: 01 Apr 2024, 05:30 I have no idea when I will get around to trying it on hardware, but it's something I want to try.
Good morning; K4sum1 and I hope this message finds you well!

I have been spending the last hour messing around with MX-23.2_KDE_x64 and here is my experience.

The good part, was, it was very nice looking and it did in fact pick up my Old HP Printer Deskjet 1000. Easy enough to navigate through the settings and was very snappy.

Here is the bad, I could never get to my local hard drive without entering some mysterious password to authenticate; and since I don't have such password (and shouldn't need one for a live session on linux) I was unable to access my files. Once I realized that it was history. All other distros I have no issues accessing my hard drive from a live DVD.

My opinion, I'd not bother too much with it and waste your time.

Have a good one,

Salvatore :)
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MX Linux

Unread post by K4sum1 »

xperceniol_sal wrote: 03 Apr 2024, 13:28 Here is the bad, I could never get to my local hard drive without entering some mysterious password to authenticate; and since I don't have such password (and shouldn't need one for a live session on linux) I was unable to access my files. Once I realized that it was history. All other distros I have no issues accessing my hard drive from a live DVD.
Most distros have a default password, not sure why it's needed to mount drives though. I looked it up and supposedly it's demo.
I don't know what I'm doing hit album by Brad Sucks

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