Bug relating to Windows Media Player 11 and Windows 8.x codecs.

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Bug relating to Windows Media Player 11 and Windows 8.x codecs.

Unread post by K4sum1 »

So some of you may have heard of Mintel's WMP11 installer for modern Windows versions. The basics are is that it installs the XP version of WMP11 on Vista+.

On 7 all the visualizations work fine, however on 8.x and probably 10, they're a bit buggered. Specifically the Scope visualization. See the attached video for more info. OBS kinda ear raped the audio, so I had to reduce the gain in Handbrake, so the audio is a bit distorted, but that doesn't effect anything.

You probably didn't catch why it was broken for the first file, but the second file was fine. The first file was a .mp3, and the second was a .ogg, made playable by a third party codec pack. .wavs are fine as well, and are a built in codec, but I only have copyrighted stuff in .wav form.

The MP3 codec in 8.0+ doesn't like the WMP11 Scope visualizer, even though after the platform update, 7 should have the same codecs as 8.0.

Does anyone know how I could forward port the 7 MP3 codec to 8.0 or 8.1?
2021-06-16 09-00-44-1.mp4
(9.84 MiB) Downloaded 249 times
I don't know what I'm doing hit album by Brad Sucks

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