How to disable WMC related processes from starting automatically on every logon?

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How to disable WMC related processes from starting automatically on every logon?

Unread post by Win10-Hater »

Hello all, on my Vista Ultimate SP2 x64 install, on every logon, the Windows Media Center Scheduler Service and Media Center Tray Applet processes start up. I don't want them to run on every startup but I am not finding a way to disable them from running automatically, even after disabling all Media Center related services in services.msc.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Huge fan of Windows Vista, 7, 8.x, XP, 2K, ME and Linux, especially Zorin Linux, Ubuntu, elementaryOS and Mint.
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How to disable WMC related processes from starting automatically on every logon?

Unread post by winvispixp »

go to the "startup" tab in msconfig

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