Contributing to Eclipse Community

Important announcements and guidelines.
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Contributing to Eclipse Community

Unread post by K4sum1 »

Contributing to Eclipse Community can work in many ways. You could donate, help with projects or applications, or even create or manage them under the Eclipse Community brand.

Applications or projects

I would prefer contributing by helping with or creating projects or applications. As long as you have the skill this is a free and very helpful way to contribute to keeping the dream of a good computing experience alive. Both on desktop and mobile.

Current projects that need help in some form are as follows:
r3dfox (Look at the GitHub issues)
build_lineage (Look at the GitHub issues)
eBoard2 (Look at the GitHub issues)

Current projects that I need to get around to, but maybe could use help with:
ePal68 (I mostly just need to get around to trying to make it before I can really know anything)
r3dfox classic (I have some ideas on how to compile it, need to try them before I know anything)
r3dusb (I mostly just need to get around to trying to make it before I can really know anything)
StickShift (I just need to get around to rebranding it, should be relatively easy if I put the time into it)

Projects that I would love to see exist open source and compatible with XP:
Program that backports useful tweaks to older Windows versions, like ctrl + x menu, dragging and dropping to explorer breadcrumb, maybe 7 layout start menu for XP/Vista, 7 file pane for XP/Vista, and more.
Aero Snap for XP/Vista, corner snapping, works with multiple monitors, maybe more.
Firewall similar to Comodo Firewall or Firewall iP7, using custom driver with compatibility with TAP VPN drivers like Wireguard.
CPU and RAM monitoring widget with screenshot and clear RAM functionality styled after ABP 1.2 Rainmeter theme.
Open source recreation of nwclc with bigger number size.
Paint.NET alternative with familiar GUI and able to import .pdn files. Perhaps based upon last open source version?
Holo-Theme ported to Substratum for Android 7 and 4.3ified. (more blue accents)
Neptune Material ported to Substratum for Android 7.
Maybe custom Android ROM?
More when I'm able to remember it.

For new projects, there are a few basic guidelines. which you can find here.


Donations will mostly be to fund projects that will become forum posts. They could be anything from figuring out the best WiFi cards for Windows XP/7 to testing one of the theoretical best Windows 7/8 laptops. The latter I assume would come much later. Server and domain costs are pretty low at this stage, so they aren't really an issue.

To donate to Eclipse Community, or more specifically me, please use the below Monero address:

There is unlikely to be a more official payment method like PayPal. They would require me to make public more personal information than I am comfortable with. Monero allows me to receive money and remain private. If you already have Bitcoin or some other coin but no Monero, you can always just convert it.

If you have some spare money, and aren't into crypto, you could instead donate to people who have been very important in creating Eclipse or helping maintain it and projects.

Solinus: General graphic design for near every Eclipse project. Eclipse would look a lot different for the worse if not for them.$Solinus

Alex313031: Helping with r3dfox and other projects. r3dfox would not be as optimized or work as well if it weren't for him.

Nobody else that has worked on Eclipse or helped with projects wanted their donation information here. If you did work on Eclipse or helped with a project and I just forgot to ask, please let me know.

Just like the guidelines thread, I want this to promote more contributions of useful or backported software, money is second. I would prefer a better computing experience over monetary gain. This is why it's taken so long for a thread like this to exist. I'm not in it for money, I'm in it to make using Windows pre-10 as easy and good as possible.
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