Modern Minecraft versions up to 1.21+ on stock Windows XP

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Modern Minecraft versions up to 1.21+ on stock Windows XP

Unread post by K4sum1 »

Java 8 (If this fails, a couple other options are Oracle Java 8, and this other OpenJDK 8.)
Notepad++ (Or anything better than stock notepad.)
oLauncher (I'm not sure if there is any other launcher that runs on XP and could work for this.)
Fabric Loader (Download universal jar.)
Fabric API
Not So New
ForceGL20 (Optional, can fix the game not launching if you have an old GPU or bad GPU driver.)

0: Open and log into oLauncher if you haven't already.
1: Go to Edit Profile and select the game version you want to play in the list.
2: Click Play to let it download the files.
3: After it downloads the files, and tries and fails to run, close the two errors and the launcher.
4: Install Fabric for your preferred version.
5: Go to the .minecraft directory (Usually %appdata%\.minecraft)

If wanting to play 1.19+, follow these below steps. For 1.18, skip until step 19.

6: Open the versions folder, make a copy of the version you want and the respective Fabric Loader for it.
7: Rename these folders to whatever. I like to do funny-(version) and funny-fabric-(loader version)-(version)
8: Do the same for the .jar and .json files inside.
9: Open the .json file for your renamed Minecraft version.
10: Rename the id string at the top to reflect the folder name as well.
11: Ctrl + F openal
12: After the first entry are entries for :natives-(OS), replace all of these with the below.
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The openal entries should look like the below now.
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13: Do the same for stb, replace the :natives-(OS) entries with this below.
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The stb entries should look like the below now.
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14: Save the file.
15: Now go to the renamed Fabric folder, and open the .json file.
16: Rename the inheritsFrom string at the top to reflect the renamed Minecraft version folder name.
17: Depending on the version of Fabric, the id might be right below inheritsFrom, or very close to the end of the file. Find the id string and change it to reflect the folder name.
18: Save the file.

19: Back out of the versions folder, and make a mods folder.
20: Move Fabric API, Not So New, and optionally ForceGL20 into it.
21: Back out of the mods folder, and make a config folder.
22: Make a fabric_loader_dependencies.json file.
23: Paste this below into the file. If you have any other mods, you may need to add them to this file with the same override.
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24: Save the file.
25: Open the launcher back up and select the renamed Fabric version.
26: Start the game.

Now you should have a Minecraft release newer than 1.16.5 running natively on stock WIndows XP.

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